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1. You will receive exclusive benefits as an AARP member

  • Low or no monthly maintenance fees. Get a 20 percent discount off monthly maintenance fees or waived monthly fees for account holders 65 and older.
  • Discounts. Use your Optum debit card at Walgreens to earn a 3 percent discount on eligible non-prescription purchases.
  • Simplified payments. Make personal and medical purchases using just one card. Store payment and health account information, then let Optum Wallet™ technology determine the right method of payment for your purchase.

2. You will benefit from a triple-tax savings

  • Income tax-free contributions
  • Income tax-free payments for qualified medical expenses
  • Income tax-free growth from interest or any investment earnings

3. You will have an optimal way to save for retirement

With an HSA, withdrawals for qualified medical expenses are income tax-free. This is a key way in which an HSA is superior to a traditional 401(k) or IRA as a retirement vehicle. Once you begin to withdraw funds from those plans, you pay income tax on that money, regardless of how the funds are being used. 

4. You can choose to invest your HSA dollars

With an HSA, you have the ability to invest your savings in a variety of mutual fund offerings if you choose to do so based on your financial goals and unique circumstances. The money that you earn through investing generally is income tax-free. You can use that money for future medical expenses and retirement.

5. You can use your HSA for anyone in your family

You can use your HSA to pay for the qualified medical expenses of anyone you claim on your taxes, even if you’re only enrolled with single coverage. This is a great way to plan for unexpected medical expenses for the whole family.